ARDEX Feather Finish - No Priming, Fast Drying & Extended Work Time ARDEX Feather Finish - No Priming, Fast Drying & Extended Work Time

ARDEX Feather Finish - No Priming, Fast Drying & Extended Work Time

With ARDEX Feather Finish there's no need to prime the floor, it's fast drying and you get an extended working time and pot life. With Feather Finish your floor's ready for LVT in as little as 15 minutes. Whether you're smoothing flooring grade plywood or levelling compounds, ARDEX Feather Finish has been used by flooring contractors and professionals for 30 years as their flooring product of choice. An 11kg bag will cover up to 50 square metres and because it's quick drying, even at 3mm, it'll be dry in as little as 15 minutes so you can be laying flooring in no time at all. While it's quick drying, there's no need to worry about ARDEX Feather Finish going off in the bucket. It has a 15 minute pot life, and even if the product does stiffen up in the bucket, it can be reactivated easily. So, if you're need to smooth flooring grade plywood, or are looking to remove depressions, ridges or trowel marks from levelling compounds, ARDEX Feather Finish is the product for you.