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Flooring FAQs
Flooring FAQs
Product info, floor preparation and working with specific substrates
Floor Preparation
Can Feather Finish be used over adhesive residue?
Can ARDEX products be used over a magnesite floor?
How do I identify an anhydrite screed?
How do I level a chipboard floor?
How do I prepare a new power floated concrete floor?
I’ve removed some old ceramic tiles and the floor is covered in old tile adhesive, what should I do?
See all 10 articles
Levelling and Smoothing
Can you mix CL and CL Plus?
What is the difference between K15 and K15HB?
Can ARDITEX CL Plus go over timber?
What is the maximum temperature I can have my underfloor heating at with your levelling compounds?
What's the best ARDEX levelling compound for my project?
How do I level calcium sulphate screeds?
See all 11 articles
Fast Track Repairs
I need a fast drying levelling compound for a job where time is really tight. What should I use?
We are currently working on an office refurbishment where we’re removing the existing walls. Can you recommend a product to fill the trenches and level any areas where the floor height may differ?
How long do I need to leave NA before laying solid oak flooring?
Can you fit rubber flooring over NA?
Can I use ARDITEX NA over existing parquet?
Can you lay ARDITEX NA over existing LVT?
Does ARDITEX NA require priming?
Is ARDITEX NA moisture tolerant?
See all 10 articles